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Night Guards in Fort Collins, CO


Night Guards at Harbor Dental

The grinding and clenching of your teeth can result in headaches, jaw pain, earaches, and damage to your teeth. People who grind their teeth in their sleep, or sleep bruxism, tend to wake up with tender, sore muscles in their jaw and face and a dull headache. A night guard is a safe and effective way to prevent damage to your teeth. 

Patient room with dentist chair and multiple screens and dentist equipment inside of Harbor Dental Clinic.

Dental night guards are devices that cover your upper teeth and lower teeth. They create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, thereby reducing the strain on your jaw muscles and joints. Night guards can be customized to fit your mouth, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness. They are an FDA-approved oral appliance custom fit to your mouth and designed to relieve teeth grinding and clenching or bruxism. 

If you suffer from bruxism or frequent grinding of your teeth while you sleep, you are probably a good candidate for a nightguard. Grinding your teeth puts a lot of pressure on your jaws. This pressure can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and even tooth damage. If your grinding is severe enough, you may even develop TMJ disorder.

The night guard is molded to fit the patient’s teeth. It is made from hard, durable plastic. Typically, it takes two appointments to create the custom fit.

Before the guard can be fabricated, the dentist takes an impression of your teeth. This is done by placing a special material inside your mouth. The new material sets within five minutes and is then removed and used to create the plaster mold. The guard will fit comfortably over your teeth.

Better Oral Hygiene

– Nightguards help protect your teeth from the overnight effects of nighttime teeth grinding and clenching. They can also help protect your gums from the friction caused by grinding.

Teeth Protection

Nightguards offer complete teeth protection and reduce the risk of chips, cracks, and breaks. They also help prevent teeth grinding, which is often a cause of bruxism.

Reduction of TMJ Pain

Nightguards for teeth are a great way to relieve tension in the jaw. In many TMJ cases, the muscles and joints in the jaw become inflamed. This inflammation causes pain and tension when trying to chew or open the mouth. Wearing night guards helps to reduce the TMJ pain. 

What To Expect During your Visit

Nervous about visiting the dentist? We understand. That’s why we’ve outlined exactly what you can expect on your first visit. As well as some more helpful information about our night guards.

Hand holding 2 night guards with the thumb and index finger.

Contact Us Today!

At Harbor Dental Clinic, we’re committed to providing comprehensive dental care tailored to your needs. If you suffer from bruxism or suspect you might benefit from a night guard, our experienced team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Your journey towards better oral health starts here.

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